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Trump Watching As US Extends ‘Deepest Condolences’ to India Over Death Of Soldiers

US President Donald Trump is cognizant of the border clash between the Indian and Chinese soldiers, the White House said on Wednesday, but stressed that there are plans to mediate between Delhi and Beijing amid reports that China disengaged before last Wednesday’s talks between senior officials from the US and China.

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“The president is aware of it. We’re monitoring the situation between Indian and Chinese forces along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said. “We have seen the Indian Army statement that 20 Indian soldiers died as a result of the confrontation today, and we extend our deepest condolences on that,” she added.

How Many Chinese Soldiers Were Killed In The India-China Clash At Galwan Valley / Ladakh?

“No formal plans on that beyond what I already said in expressing our absolute condolences to the Indian soldiers that died as a result of today’s confrontation. We extend our deepest condolences there,” she said, adding, “I would note just that during the phone call on June 2 of this year that President Trump had with Prime Minister Modi, they did discuss the situation on the India-China border.”

The US on Thursday expressed its condolences to India on the loss of lives of its soldiers and said – “We extend our deepest condolences to the people of India for the lives lost as a result of the recent confrontation with China,” US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said in a tweet, hours after his meeting with top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi. “We will remember the soldiers’ families, loved ones, and communities as they grieve,” said Pompeo.

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Twenty Indian soldiers, including the commanding officer, were killed in the border clash with Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley, which was one of the biggest and fiercest military confrontations since the 1962 India-China war.

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