Russian Mig-29 Jets Steal The Show In Donald Trump’s Fundraising Campaign For US Army

A fundraising campaign for U.S. President Donald Trump directed at gathering support for American soldiers actually displays Russian-made defence equipment including Mig-29 jets and Ak-47 rifles, Politico reported

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The advert, which was made by the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, features contours of three soldiers walking as a fighter jet flies over them. The advert first appeared on Sept. 8 and ran until Sept. 12.

“That’s definitely a [Russian] MiG-29,” defense analyst Pierre Sprey, who assisted the U.S. Air Force with fighter aircraft design, told Politico. “I’m glad to see it’s supporting our troops.”

Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Moscow Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, confirmed that the jets are MiG-29s, adding that one of the soldiers in the photo is carrying the icononic AK-47 assault rifle.

The advert, produced by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, uses a stock photo from Shutterstock, where it was uploaded by an Andorra-based user, Politico repported. The image’s creator, Arthur Zakirov, later told Politico that his creation shows a 3D model of a MiG-29 and that the soldiers were Russian models.