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Drone Hunters! Russian Army Develops New Method For Helicopter Pilots To Combat Kamikaze Drones

Russian Army Aviation is reportedly developing a new method for helicopter pilots to effectively combat attacking kamikaze drones. The development of these countermeasures is...

Russia Bets On “Invisibility Suits” To Counter Ukrainian FVP Drones That Autonomously Lock Onto Targets

Russia has initiated the large-scale production of cutting-edge camouflage "invisibility suits" to counter the surveillance abilities of FPV drones equipped with thermal imaging technology.  The...

US Military ‘Mighty Impressed’ By Ukraine’s Acoustic Sensor Network That Helps To Detect, Identify & Hunt Russian UAVs

The conflict in Ukraine has sparked a wave of innovation, using affordable solutions to counter modern threats. A recent development is the advanced network...

Russia Counters B-52 Bombers With 11,000 KM-Ranged YARS; Holds 2nd ‘Nuclear Drills’ In Less Than A Month

The Russian military is holding its second nuclear drill in less than a month amid reports of US B-52 nuke bombers hovering near Russia. https://www.eurasiantimes.com/in-one-night-how-russian-ad-missiles-wreaked-havoc/ The...

Lucky Break For Moscow! Russian Military Seizes, Examines Superior Jet Engine-Powered Ukrainian Drone

Russian specialists have managed to capture and examine a new Ukrainian kamikaze drone equipped with a jet engine.  https://www.eurasiantimes.com/mig-31-foxhound-why-russias-super-interceptor-that-can-shoot/ Since the beginning of the conflict in...
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