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Pakistan’s Response To Coronavirus Pandemic One Of The Best In The World: WHO

Praising Pakistan’s actions against the coronavirus pandemic as timely, the world health organization (WHO) has urged Islamabad to continue to keep a vigilant eye on new cases and expand testing facilities to various public sector hospitals.

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Dr Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala – Country Head of the WHO said: “At a time when other countries were reporting cases, Pakistan was keeping the virus at bay, which is something quite praiseworthy.”

The WHO Chief was in Karachi to assess the provincial government’s response to the virus and to inspect isolation units set up in various hospitals. During his visit to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Mahipala lauded efforts of health institute for providing immediate treatment to the suspected patients. He called for more testing facilities in case the number of infected patients grew.

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Pakistan has come up with the one of world’s best “national response programmes’ against coronavirus pandemic, said the WHO country head and prompted the people to follow the precautionary measures to evade contracting the deadly virus.

The government of Pakistan timely responded to the virus and the standard operating procedures (SOPs) are being implemented very effectively. Officials are doing their job and now it is the responsibility of the people to follow the instructions, Mahipala said.

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Emphasizing the severity of the Coronavirus pandemic, Mahipala said even countries with advanced health systems like South Korea and Italy had failed to restrain Covid-19. He added that Pakistani authorities responded timely to the threat and took measures which resulted in keeping the virus at bay for a longer time.


The World Health Organization says that Europe has become the pandemic’s present epicenter after reporting more deaths than the rest of the world put together, besides from China where the coronavirus started.

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