Japanese Man Detected With Coronavius Goes To Bar To Spread The Infection

A Japanese man in his 50s in Gamagori City in Central Japan visited two bars after being confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the Fuji News Network. 

At around 6:00 p.m. the day before, medical personnel advised the person to back home after he was confirmed positive with the novel coronavirus. He was asked to remain at home until a suitable medical institution was found for treatment. However, he decided to take a taxi to an izakaya bar, reports Fuji News Network

Before departing, he reportedly told a family member, “I am going to spread the virus.” Afterwards, he left the first establishment on foot for a pub staffed by women. At the second bar, he informed persons there, “I tested positive [for the coronavirus].”


Upon receiving the confession, a staff member alerted a local health centre. Officers from the Gamagori Police Station, dressed in protective suits, arrived at the bar only to find that the man had already returned home by taxi.

“I can’t get this straight in my head,” a staff member was quoted. “I cannot express it in words since I only have anger.” The man, who showed no symptoms of the virus, was tested since both of his parents, with whom he lives, had been confirmed with the virus.

Both establishments are undergoing sterilization, the city said. As well, staff members and customers are now undergoing examinations.

Later the person was sent to the hospital. “It is highly regrettable that he did not remain home as instructed,” Gamagori mayor Toshiaki Suzuki said. Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said that as of Friday morning the total number of cases of coronavirus had reached 1,057.

Via: The Tokyo Reporter

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