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Will PM Modi Trifurcate (Divide) Jammu & Kashmir into 3 Parts Before 2019 Elections?

Is Delhi planning to trifurcate (divide) Jammu and Kashmir into three parts i.e. Hindu Majority Jammu, Buddhist and Shia Muslim dominated Ladakh and Sunni Muslim dominated Kashmir Valley? As per reports in a local Jammu and Kashmir daily, Indian PM is keen to trifurcate the region and change the political map of J&K before Indian elections 2019.

“The Indian government will create three union territories of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh,” according to the Jammu-based EarlyTimes. It said that PM Modi was ‘very serious’ about Kashmir. “He (Modi) wants to resolve the ‘Kashmir issue’ before the general elections of 2019,” the report said

Quoting the sources, the Jammu based paper reported that the PM Modi wants to resolve the Kashmir issue during his first-term itself. “It is possible that the PM may himself in a month or so declare division of Kashmir into three parts,” it said.

According to PMO officials, Delhi was working out a plan that would lead to the trifurcation of the J&K state. “If all goes well, the Kashmir map would be changed and Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh would be created as the union territories,” they said.

The report claimed that the ‘division’ of the J&K territory would lead to the ‘resolution’ of many obstacles. BJP knows that it cannot form a government in Jammu and Kashmir on its own and that it has to depend either on the National Conference or the People’s Democratic Party if it wants to come in power.

Under such a situation of join power-sharing with NC or PDP, Delhi cannot abrogate Article 370 of the constitution. An Indian official at the PM Office claimed that the Modi government would divide the J&K state before the general elections of 2019.

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