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Venezuelan Crisis Escalates with US Sanctions and Threat

What is the Venezuelan Crisis?

The US military threats against Venezuela are absurd, and the new sanctions imposed by Washington are the most flagrant act of aggression against the Latin American country over the past 200 years. This was stated on Friday to journalists in New York by Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic Jorge Arreaza following a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

“How absurd and hostile are the threats of using force against a peaceful country, which is Venezuela,” the minister said, “we do not pose a threat to the world.” “These actions, these financial sanctions announced today, are the worst act of aggression against Venezuela over the past 200 years, possibly since the Spanish Empire was defeated by our liberators.

He suggested that the US, through its sanctions, “try to provoke a humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela and “starve” the people of the country. “What are they striving for? We do not understand this,” the minister added. He expressed confidence that the Venezuelan people will rally in the face of an external threat and will confront it, using diplomacy. In addition, he assured that the country will “by all means” defend its sovereignty and democracy.

Venezuelan Crisis: Maduro will not go to the UN General Assembly

President of Venezuela Nicholas Maduro will not come to New York for a general political discussion of the UN General Assembly in September, but he is going to write a letter to US President Donald Trump to try to establish relations with him, Arreasa also said.

According to him, “President Maduro will not attend the General Assembly, as he is very busy preparing for the regional elections, and is also working to resolve economic issues and is occupied by the Constitutional Assembly.”

As the Foreign Minister stated, the head of state was always aimed at establishing relations with the US administration based on mutual respect. “He is trying to establish contact, talk, he is going to send a letter to President Trump.We believe that in the 21st century in this world all issues should be resolved through dialogue, through diplomacy, and not through threats of war,” Arreasa stressed.

The general political discussion of the General Assembly will begin on September 19 with the speeches of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the chairman of the 72nd GA session, Miroslav Lajcak. As expected, the first day on the podium will have the US president, as well as the leaders of Armenia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Israel, Poland, Uzbekistan, France and other countries.

The debate in the GA will last until September 25. According to the preliminary plan of the forum, on September 21 the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will make a speech. On the last day, a number of foreign ministers are expected to address, including the DPRK and Syria.

Russia Ready to Solve Venezuelan Crisis

Russia is ready to help achieve a settlement in Venezuela in so far as it is conditioned by the internal situation. This was stated on Monday by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

For the political settlement in Venezuela, it is necessary to establish a dialogue between all the leading political forces of the country, which would create conditions for correcting the economic situation. “The solution of this task requires, not least, political assistance from outside. “We are ready to contribute to the settlement in Venezuela to the extent that this is due to the internal political dynamics in this country,” the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the US sanctions against Venezuela are aimed at aggravating the imbalance of the situation in the country and deepening economic problems.

We strongly reject unilateral sanctions against sovereign states,” the diplomat said, “the measures announced recently on Venezuela and President Nicolas Maduro were introduced by Washington when there were signs of relative internal stabilization in the country after the elections to the National Constituent Assembly: street protest activity, a calendar of upcoming elections is scheduled, including gubernatorial and presidential elections. ”

“Under these conditions, the announced sectoral sanctions against the financial and oil sectors of Venezuela are clearly aimed at aggravating the imbalance in the situation in the country and deepening economic problems.

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