US Warns China-Backed Maldives President Yameen To Transfer Powers Smoothly

The power tussle between India and China over the Maldives has got the US involved. A top state department official of the US said – Washington would be forced to take “appropriate measures” against anyone who threatens the peaceful transition of power in the Maldives,  taking a direct aim at China-backed former president Abdullah Yameen.

China backed Yameen government was defeated comprehensively by the country’s opposition leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in the parliamentary elections held in the Maldives last month.

While Abdullah Yameen was strongly supported by China, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s views about are more democratic, with views similar to India.

Abdullah Yameen’s party has filed a legal petition challenging his shocking election defeat despite massive global pressure on him to step down.

US’ significant statement comes days after Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Alice Wells met Maldives’ President-elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

“The US is concerned by troubling actions by outgoing President Yameen that threaten to undermine the will of the Maldivian people, and will consider appropriate measures against anyone who undermines a peaceful transfer of power in the Maldives,” State Department Spokesperson Robert Palladino said in a video twitter message.

During her meeting with Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Ms Wells emphasised that the US is willing to extend cooperation to his government and to assist the Maldives in its return to the democratic path. “The United States urges all parties to respect the will of the Maldivian people and to ensure the smooth and peaceful transition of power.

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