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US Wants To Fight ‘Imaginary’ China Threat Instead Of COVID-19 Which Has Killed 5 Million Americans

China has accused its raging adversary, the US of neglecting the health of the American people in the time of a pandemic while playing the China card for election gains.

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Chinese state-run tabloid, Global Times in its editorial has called out the US’ for “almost giving up the anti-virus fight” and the measures adopted by the administration to suppress China far exceeds its anti-virus measures.

“It makes no sense that Washington is paying unwarranted attention to the “China threat” while neglecting the virus. This shows the abnormality of the behaviour of the current US administration,” states the editorial.

The editorial further criticised the US Treasury sanctions on Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam and 10 other top officials from Hong Kong and mainland China in the wake of “undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy”. “The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong,” stated Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The tabloid believes that the sanctions are more “symbolic than anything else” however it also said that the sanctions will have a negative impact. It clarified that Lam and no official from mainland China have assets in the US. Lam has decided to cancel her US visa after the sanctions were announced.

In a harshly worded editorial, it suggested two purposes of the countermeasure that Beijing can adopt – “one is warning of the consequences of doing so and the other is safeguarding morality.”

Given that the US is driven mad by the election, we suggest China play some tricks with it. We don’t have to launch reciprocal actions each time, but it can work on exposing the US’ absurd misconduct,” it added. China expects to garner international support by mocking US’ “absurd behaviour” than by launching reciprocal measures against it.

The tabloid has further accused President Donald Trump of fuelling the US-China tensions in a bid to win the upcoming presidential elections. It predicts that his administration is expected to “play more tactics to make bigger waves during this period.”

The editorial concludes by saying that China should maintain deterrence but it can also hit back against any real provocations. “China should leave some of the US’ provocations be while launching countermeasures against others. In the next few months, China should make the world, especially the Americans, feel the absurdity of playing the China card in election campaigns which is turning US national interests into partisan gains,” it said.

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