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US Elections: Trump Leads Biden in Pennsylvania ‘Cookie Poll’

As millions of Americans headed to the polls on Tuesday to elect their next president, a Pennsylvania bakery’s election-themed “cookie poll” suggested that President Donald Trump who had won the state in 2016 has a major lead over his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The cookies made by Lochel’s Bakery feature the name and party colors of each candidate, with text that says “4 more years” and “Biden #46th”.

As of Sunday, a total of 33,017 cookies have been sold, with 27,903 red Trump cookies, compared to just 5,114 blue Biden cookies, according to the tally shared by the company’s Facebook page.

“With the amount of orders and walk-ins tomorrow and Tuesday… I can’t even comprehend what the final number will be,” the company said in the post.

The bakery claims to have accurately predicted the winner of the past three elections. It said that they will announce the final results of the cookie poll on Tuesday night. 20 electoral votes make Pennsylvania one of the key swing states on the way to the White House.

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