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Russian MP Claims ‘Big Victory’ After Moscow Supplied S-400 To US Dominated Region

Russia will continue to equip the Middle East will the state-of-art Russian defence equipment – Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma Leonid Slutsky said in an interview with Russian TV Channel – RT TV. The start of S-400 Missile Defence Systems to Turkey is just ‘the first shot’, the MP said.

“Turkey is the first step. S-400 and more advanced defence equipment from Russia will continue to flow to the region. We will cooperate closely; I am confident we should increase such cooperation in every possible way,” Slutsky said.

Recall, the United States for several months threatened Turkey with various sanctions and warned the Turkish authorities to terminate the deal with Russia on the supply of S-400. However, both Turkey has been adamant and received the first batch of the missiles recently.

The US is in every possible method trying to block nations from purchasing arms from Russia. The S-400 can hit aerodynamic targets at a range of up to 400 kilometers and tactical ballistic targets flying at a speed of 4.8 km/s at a distance of up to 60 kilometers. The biggest selling point for the S-400 is in its ability to track and target stealth aircrafts. Though the S-400 has not been tested against the American F-22 or F-35’s, its reputation as a formidable competitor is well acknowledged within the defence circles.

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