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S & P affirmed Russia’s Credit Rating at BB+ with a “Positive Outlook”

The international rating agency Standard & Poor’s affirmed Russia’s sovereign credit rating at “BB +” with a “positive” outlook. This was stated in the agency’s message.

“A positive outlook means that we can raise our ratings for Russia if the economic recovery continues, and GDP per capita reaches indicators comparable to countries with similar levels of development,” the agency noted.

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In addition, a positive rating decision may be reflected in the growth of financial stability, support for a stronger monetary policy and a steady strengthening of the credit activity of the banking system.

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According to the expectations of S & P, Russia’s real GDP will increase by 1.8% in 2017, with an average growth rate of 1.7% in 2017-2020. The dollar-ruble exchange rate, according to the agency’s forecasts, will be at the level of 61 rubles per dollar by the end of 2017, and in 2018 it will be 62 rubles.

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