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North Korea Willing to Give up Nuclear Weapons if US Guarantees Security

Is North Korea Ready to Surrender Nuclear Weapons? Tensions are likely to diffuse between Donald Trump led US Government and Kim-Jong-un led North Korea. If reports are to be believed, North Korea is open to direct talks with the US officials over their nuclear standoff, according to Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, who said he conveyed that message to Rex Tillerson, when they met in Vienna.

Will North Korea Really Give-Up Nuclear Weapons?

There was no immediate response from Tillerson but the official position of the state department is that North Korea would have to show itself to be serious about giving up its nuclear weapons as part of a comprehensive agreement before a dialogue could begin.

Lavrov passed the alleged talk on the day a top UN official, Jeffrey Feltman, met the North Korean foreign minister, Ri Yong-ho, in Pyongyang, during the first high-level UN visit to the country for six years.

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As North Korea’s latest launch shows increased missile capability, US experts chart the country’s progress in developing a nuclear weapon that possesses a massive threat to the lives of US citizens.

“We know that North Korea wants to talk to the United States about guarantees for its security. We are ready to support that, we are ready to take part in facilitating such negotiations,” Lavrov said at an international conference in Vienna, according to the Interfax news agency. “Our American colleagues, including Rex Tillerson, have heard this.”

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The diplomatic talks between the two countries came amid an increased sense of urgency to find a way of defusing the tensions over North Korea’s increasingly ambitious nuclear and missile tests.

North Korea tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the Hwasong-15, on 29 November capable of reaching Washington, New York and the rest of the continental United States. The missile launch followed the test of what was apparently a hydrogen bomb in September.

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