Key allies India and Israel are set for general elections and nationalism seems to be high on agenda. Both leaders of India and Israel i.e. Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu are on their charm offensive and campaign based on nationalism and enemy bashing. And both the leaders may again emerge victorious.
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Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu appeared best placed to form a governing coalition Wednesday after high-stakes Israeli elections, exit polls showed but remained in a tight race with his main rival as votes were being counted.
Both Netanyahu and ex-military chief Benny Gantz claimed victory after initial exit surveys were released by Israel’s three main television stations following the closure of polling venues on Tuesday night.
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Two updated exit polls early Wednesday put Netanyahu’s Likud ahead of Gantz’s Blue and White by one seat. A third poll showed the opposite, with Blue and White holding a one-seat advantage. Both parties would, in any case, fall far short of a majority and be forced to form a coalition. All three exit polls showed Netanyahu more likely to be able to do so with smaller rightwing parties allied to him in the 120-seat parliament.
“The president must give us the task of forming the next government since we are the biggest party,” he said after initial exit polls. Netanyahu spoke later and declared himself the winner of the fifth term in office. As he walked onto the stage to chanting crowds, he planted a kiss on the lips of his wife Sara before dramatically wiping lipstick from his face.
“It will be a rightwing government, but I will be prime minister for all,” he said. The vote had long been expected to be close and lead to frantic negotiations to form a coalition, even with Netanyahu facing potential corruption charges.
The election was in many ways a referendum on the 69-year-old premier who has built a reputation as the guarantor of the country’s security and economic growth, but whose populism and alleged corruption have left many ready for a change.
India PM Narendra Modi, according to experts that EurAsian Times talked to state that despite an aggressive campaign by the opposition leaders and all the allegations of scams, PM Modi with the nationalistic approach is on track to win another term just like Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
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