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Meet The Veterans Who Survived Spanish Flu, World War, Great Depression & Now Covid-19 Pandemic

The age-old quote ‘Age is just a number’ has once again been proved right after three Italians all over 100 years, two WW-II veterans-one, American above 100 years and one Englishman 99-year-old recovered after getting infected from coronavirus.

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Their heartwarming stories are sure to inspire millions world over and rekindle their spirit at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has put the entire world under lockdown.

At a time when coronavirus pandemic has infected around 18,67,130 people globally and has claimed the lives of 1,15,279 people so far, five senior citizens from different parts of the globe have recovered surging the spirits of the people worldwide.

Recently, a 101-year-old Italian man who survived the 1918 Spanish Flu and the Second World War also beat coronavirus after being admitted to a hospital in Remini, Italy. A patient known only as Mr. P was released after he recovered from Infirmi Hospital in Remini, Italy after testing positive for Covid-19.

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Mr. P’s story is remarkable considering that he was born in 1919 during the Spanish Flu pandemic which had claimed around 6,00,000 Italian lives and has also survived the coronavirus pandemic which has so far infected 1,56,363 people in Italy and claimed  19,899 Italian lives.

The vice mayor of Remini, Gloria Lisi provided a statement to local media news outlet ReminiToday about the recovery of Mr. P.

The English translation of the statement according to the NeoScope website read, “Given the progress of the virus, it could not even be called a ‘story like many’ if it were not for a detail that makes the life of the person returned to their loved ones truly extraordinary.

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Mr. P., from Rimini, was born in 1919, in the midst of another tragic world pandemic. He saw everything, hunger, pain, progress, crisis, and resurrections. Once over the 100-year-old barrier, fate has put this new challenge before him, invisible and terrible at the same time.

Last week, Mr. P. was hospitalized in Rimini after testing positive for Covid-19. In a few days, it became ‘history’ for doctors, nurses, and the rest of the healthcare personnel who treated him.

A hope for the future finds itself in the body of a person over a century old, as the sad chronicles of these weeks mechanically tell every day of a virus that is raging especially on the elderly. Yet, Mr. P. made it. The family brought him home yesterday evening, to teach us that even at 101-years-old, the future has yet to be written.”

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But he is not alone, in fact, two other Italian nationals, both women have recovered from the deadly coronavirus. Italica Grondona, 102-years-old, and 103-year-old Ada Zanusco also won their battles against Covid-19.

Ada said that two qualities that have helped her in life also helped her to overcome the coronavirus. She said — courage and faith have served her well during her entire lifetime and during her battle with the ongoing pandemic.

“I’m well, I’m well,” Ada told the Associated Press from her Maria Grazia residence for the elderly in Lessona, Italy. She says that she now enjoys watching TV and reading newspapers as ever before. Doctors had Ada hospitalized for almost a week and had almost given up on her as she was not responding to their treatments.

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However, one day she suddenly opened her eyes and started responding and even sat up and got out of bed. When asked how she did it, she replied, “Courage, strength, and faith.” After her doctors asked what she would like to do once they release her, she gave a very simple yet memorable answer. “I would like to take a lovely walk and watch my three great-grandchildren play.”

Another successful Italian survivor of Covid-19 is Italica Grondona, 102-year-old woman. Her doctors called her ‘Highlander-the Immortal’. She too was born during the Spanish Flu pandemic.

In far-away in the US, 104-year-old World War-II veteran William Bill Lapschies celebrated his 104th birthday after making a full recovery from Covid-19 virus, according to CBS News. William was also born during the Spanish Flu pandemic in the United States and survived the Great Economic Depression of 1929 apart from the Second World War.

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Will fought in WW-II and was stationed at the Aleutian Islands. Will has two grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren. Will was leaving in Edward C. Allworth Veteran’s Living Home when he contracted coronavirus along with many other war veterans living there.

He soon had fever and breathing problems but the great survivor once again defeated his enemy and emerged victorious just in time to celebrate his birthday.

In England, another World veteran named Albert Chambers recovered from coronavirus infection after being admitted to a hospital, according to a report from the Telegraph & Guardian. Albert, who is 99-years-old was discharged from Doncaster Royal Infirmary after contracting Covid-19.

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Albert is set to celebrate his 100th birthday in July. After his full recovery, the nurses from the hospital gave him a guard of honor. His grandson was full of praise for his granddad. He said, “My grandfather is amazing. He is pretty incredible. He not only survived the war being in the prison camp, now he has won the battle with coronavirus.

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