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India’s Make In India Program Gets US Support to Counter Russian Influence & Counter China

Indian PM Modi has been promoting the Make in India program ever since he came into power. The Make In India program now shifts from daily needs to the Indian Military. India, one of the world’s largest defence importers, hopes to become a significant defence exporter, with the US support.

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The Indian government is keen to make the shift from being dependent on other nations for defence weaponry and equipment to manufacturing their own, and even export. The United States has extended support to India’s Make in India program by offering US-made technology for the same. PM Modi has been working towards making India a defence exporter and reached out to foreign defence companies to extend technological support.

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Why is the US interested in the Make In India Project?

For the US, India is a strategic ally, especially against China and Russia. India for decades has relied on Russia for their defence supply and this shift from an importer to an exporter is seen as an opportunity by mega US defence companies to overpower Russia’s influence.

With India looking to buy more than 100 fighter planes, a deal that would be worth approximately 15 Billion Dollars, US companies Boeing and Lockheed are hoping to bag the deal. Apart from Russia, France and Sweden are also major contestants racing to get the deal. With the government of India hoping to carry out the assembly work in the country itself, by encouraging foreign defence companies to partner with Indian companies to manufacture parts and products in India, promoting the Make In India project.

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India’s Defense Exposition Promotes Make in India

At the recent Defense Exposition, held in Chennai, PM Modi spoke about the need to shift from importing to become an exporter. As reported in The New York Times, PM Modi said:

“Today we live in an interconnected world where the efficiency of supply chain is a key factor in any manufacturing enterprise. Therefore, the strategic imperative to make in India, to make for India and to supply to the world from India is stronger than ever before.”

Many hopeful bidders were present at the event. With the US planning a trade war with China, the support for India’s Make in India is more than ever before. The US ambassador to India confirmed that the US was willing to share advanced technology and help in the manufacturing of defence supply in India.

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