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Looking Forward To Diversify & Bolster Ties With Russia: Narendra Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Tuesday that India is looking forward to diversify and bolster bilateral relations with Russia. He said that during his upcoming visit to Russia he will be looking forward to discuss a wide range of international and regional issues which are of mutual interest to both the nations.

India-Russia Set To Expand Nuclear Energy Partnership During Putins Visit

PM Modi will be in Russia to be a part of Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. He furthermore stated that he very well understands the need to diversify and further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two nations.

This is a first such visit to Russia by an Indian PM

Modi’s upcoming visit to Russia’s far-east region will be the first by an Indian Prime Minister. Reaching out to Russia has always been one of the top priorities of India’s foreign policy given the fact that New Delhi has had a sense of dependence on Russia ever since the USSR came into existence.

Being invited as the chief guest at the 5th Eastern Economic Forum gives India an ideal opportunity to deepen ties with Russia especially when India’s being scrutinized by the international community for its moves in Kashmir.

India-Russia Set To Expand Nuclear Energy Partnership During Putin’s Visit

PM Modi will also be participating in the 20th India-Russia Annual Summit with Vladimir Putin where the two leaders would be interacting with representatives of various industries.

India and Russia will have a wide range of issues to discuss including defence procurements and Russia’s plans to build nuclear reactors in India. Russia will also be proposing to make nuclear power plants in third countries as a joint venture between India and Russia.

Russia will also be putting forth various defence proposals for India and will also be once again asking India to be a part of the joint project of 5th generation fighter aircraft from which India had earlier withdrawn.

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