Iran, China, Pakistan and Russian Intelligence Chiefs Meet to Discuss ISIS Presence in Afghanistan

The heads of the intelligence agencies of Iran, China, Pakistan and Russia discussed joint measures against the threat of the infiltration of ISIS militants into Afghanistan. This is a rare meeting between four heads of intelligence agencies, which was held in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. The Islamic State terrorists, after being displaced from Syria, have slowly started to emerge in Afghanistan.

As the head of the press office of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia Sergey Ivanov told TASS, this agenda was discussed during a working meeting of the heads of intelligence services of four countries in Islamabad.

“An understanding has been reached of the need for joint actions to curb the infiltration of ISIS terrorists from Syria and Iraq into Afghanistan, which can destabilize the entire region.

Presence of ISIS in Afghanistan a Big Threat to Pakistan and Iran?

As reported by EurAsian Times earlier, dreaded terrorist organization ISIS (Islamic State), also called Daesh has set up its base in Afghanistan and threatens to target both Iran and Pakistan just like Syria and Iraq. But who is backing ISIS to attack Pakistan and Iran?

According to Pakistan Media, Express Tribune, a senior Iranian official warned Pakistan delegates that Tehran has ‘confirmed intelligence that the US has relocated ISIS and its leader Abu Bakar Baghdadi to Afghanistan. The Iranian official warned that US and Israel are conspiring to turn Pakistan and Iran into another Syria.

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