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Is Indian PM Modi  World’s Most Popular Leader on Facebook – Not Really

Indian PM Narendra Modi has become the World’s Most Popular Leader on Facebook, surpassing US President Donald Trump and many other Global Leaders, according to a recent report. PM Modi is Now the Most Popular Leader on Facebook, followed by 43.2 million people, read the report. However, US President Donald Trump holds the top spot for most “conversation” almost twice that of Indian PM on Facebook.

US President Donald Trump, who is the Most Popular Leader on another social networking platform, Twitter, is in second place with 23.1 million Facebook followers, according to the study “World Leaders on Facebook” released today by Burson Cohn & Wolfe.

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Over the past 14 months, the Facebook page of US President Donald Trump had by far the most conversations of any world leader on Facebook, with a total of 204.9 million conversations  (defined as the total number of comments, likes and shares), which is almost double that of Indian PM Narendra Modi with 113.6 million interactions.

The survey’s findings were shared by Twiplomacy, which tracks and promotes digital diplomacy of world leaders. It stated that Indian PM Narendra Modi had the second highest number of conversations behind Donald Trump.

Interestingly, the five most liked pictures in 2017 were all posted by Modi with his photo at Odisha’s famous Lingaraj Temple becoming the most popular. Amongst the videos, the third most popular Facebook live video was one shared by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu from Modi’s visit to Jerusalem last year.

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The survey stated the PMO (Prime Ministers Office) was also the fourth most checked-in destination, after the American White House, the Ugandan Presidency and 10, Downing Street in London. In the list of “Peer Connection of World Leaders”, which counts the pages of world leaders liked by their counterparts, Modi stood on the 10th spot.

Most Popular World Leaders in Facebook

The other leaders who feature in the list of Most Popular World Leaders are Queen Raina of Jordan, Turkish President – Erdogan, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau.

Facebook has become a vital platform for global leaders and governments to stay connected with the masses directly. As of March 15, 2018, all pages of world leaders combined had a total of 309.4 million followers. Since 1st January 2017, they have published a total of 536,644 posts which have accumulated close to 900 million conversations. The report explained that while more than half of the posts have pictures, global leaders are often sharing videos and many are also doing a “live talk” with their followers.

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