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Indian Navy On Full Alert As Jaish-e-Mohammed Planning Terror Attack Via Sea Route: Intelligence Reports

Indian Chief of Naval Staff – Karambir Singh stated on Monday that the latest intelligence inputs hint that the underwater wing of Jaish-e-Mohammed is training its militants to carry out attacks on India via sea. Singh, however, asserted that the Indian Navy is comprehensively prepared to crush any such attacks attempted by the Pak-based terror outfit. The Navy Chief has ensured that all the wings of India’s coastal security are on alert and will ensure that there is no intrusion from the sea.

Pakistan Activates Jaish-e-Mohammed Sleeper Cells For Terror Attacks On India?

There were repeated inputs that the Pakistan backed terror outfit is planning attacks on the lines of the deadly 26/11 attacks that shook Mumbai in 2008.

The Naval Chief also talked about the heightened surveillance along the coastline of India ever since the 26/11 attacks took place. He further added that the Navy is in complete control of maritime security. As per the Singh, the Indian Navy, maritime police and state governments are working in collaboration to eliminate any seaborne attacks.

Ever since the government of India abrogated the special constitutional status of Kashmir, there have been intelligence reports of infiltration from Pakistan through land or sea. There is increased vigil across the Line of Control and the maritime demarcations to ensure security.


Pakistan has warned India against heavy repercussions for suppressing the special status of Kashmir and has even vowed to use the Pakistan based militant organisations to fight proxy wars against India.

Experts have questioned how long can Pakistan cling on to the Kashmir issue? Having lost in all its efforts to mobilize international support against India for quashing the special status of Kashmir, Pakistan is now only left with the option of using its sponsored terror outfits to carry out anti-India attacks.

But now when Pakistan has been already placed in ‘extended blacklisted’ by FATF for flouting norms and being guilty of terror funding, can Pakistan actually afford to back terrorists and launch attacks against India?

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