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Indian Army Targeting Civilians Across The LoC, Pakistan Says Wait For Response

Skirmishes between India and Pakistan continues over the LoC as both nations accuse each other of ceasefire violations and targeting the civilian population. 

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Pakistani PM Imran Khan today tweeted that Pakistan will not continue to watch as India carries out military attacks along the Line of Control (LoC) targeting civilians.

PM Khan said: “I want to make clear to India and the international community that if India continues its military attacks killing civilians across LoC, Pakistan will find it increasingly difficult to remain an inactive observer along the LoC.”


As the Indian Army continue to target and kill civilians across the LoC with increasing intensity and frequency, there is an urgent need for the United Nations Security Council to insist India to allow UNMOGIP [United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan] to return [to the LoC along Jammu and Kashmir].” “We fear an Indian false flag operation,” Imran added.

Earlier last year, Pakistan accused the Indian Army of using cluster bombs along the Line of Control (LOC) to target the civilian population in blatant violation of the Geneva Convention and international laws.

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“Due to the severe impact on non-combatants, use of cluster ammunition is prohibited under Convention on Cluster Ammunition. This blatant Indian aggression against all international norms exposes the true character of the Indian Army and their moral standing,” said the ISPR statement.

Indian Army responded by saying that such allegations of the firing of cluster bombs is yet another lie, deceit & deception from Pakistan.

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