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Indian Army Can Indeed Defeat Pakistan In Less Than 10 Days – Media Explains

Indian PM Narendra Modi recently stated that the Indian Army will not take more than 7-10 days to make Pakistan bite the dust. Experts questions whether is it actually possible to defeat a country like Pakistan is less than 10 days?

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Pakstan, as expected, rejected PM Modi’s remarks that India could defeat Pakistan in 10 days and stated that Indian PM’s hostile remarks displays the extremist mindset of the BJP government.

Pakistani experts suggested that the Indian PM has been under enormous pressure after ending protests against the citizenship bill, a sluggish economy and the prospect of losing Delhi elections and issued this statement to divert attention of the masses.

Aisha Farooqui, the Foreign Office spokesperson for Pakistan said – “Pakistan completely rejects PM Narendra Modi’s irresponsible and war-mongering remarks. These remarks are another reflection of India’s incurable obsession with Pakistan and the BJP government and leadership’s desperate attempts to divert attention from growing domestic and international criticism of their discriminatory, anti-Kashmir and anti-minority policies,”

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Shekhar Gupta in his editorial for thePrint, writes that any country even with a formidable alliance like NATO have struggled in defeating smaller nations. Gupta explains that the Americans, the mightiest of all, failed in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

USSR’s defeat and their eventual collapse in Afghanistan is another example of how the strong and mighty have failed. An affluent Saudi Arabia with global allies has failed to defeat poor Yemen in almost five years of war.

The OpEd then highlights the India-Pakistan War of 1971 where New Delhi overwhelmed Islamabad is just 13 days. India tasted defeat against China, in 1962, in less than two fortnights. So, don’t laugh at the idea that one strong country can defeat another in seven to ten days, explains Gupta.

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The report says, a war is not won not when a country is comprehensively defeated like Nazi Germany or imperialist Japan, it is won when one nation decides it has achieved its objective. To win a war now, you first have to define your objective beforehand.

The best example is Kargil. This was a relatively small war and India won it only because New Delhi had defined its objective clearly i.e. pushing back the Pakistani infiltrators and recapturing the strategic heights. Vajpayee thus declared victory the moment Indian Army seized all captured territories.

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