India Threatens Surgical Strikes on Pakistan Terror Launch Pads

India-Pakistan Rivalry took a new turn when India conducted Surgical Strikes on Pakistan which created a global uproar. The Surgical Strikes on Pakistan were aimed at destroying the terror launch pads in the POK region. The Indian Army officer who led these surgical strikes said that India can conduct a fresh series of surgical strikes on Pakistan yet again. Lt Colonel (Retired) DS Hooda told ANI that India is ready to hit Pakistan again. 

The surgical strikes were conducted by the Indian Army on the intervening night of 28th and 29th September 2016. India claims to have caused large-scale damages to terror facilities and launch pads on the other side of the LOC.

The retired army officer also told the news agency that it was the Narendra Modi government which directed the Indian army to conduct surgical strikes on Pakistan and the  Army gladly agreed to it. He further added that if the need arises, Indian Army is ready to hit Pakistan with surgical strikes again.

Video of Surgical Strikes on Pakistan Released

On Wednesday, an 8-minute long video of the September 2016 Surgical Strikes on Pakistan was released. The video showed how the Indian Army crossed the Line of Control and destroyed various targets in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Several targets on the other side of the LOC were engaged by the Indian Army and destroyed. Pakistan, however, denies accepting if any such strikes were considered on its soil by the Indian Army. The footage that was released was shot from an Indian Army facility in Udhampur which is the Northern Command’s headquarters.

The Indian officer also talked about the challenges faced by the Indian Army men faced when they conducted the surgical strikes. He informed that the biggest challenge was the fact that the terror launchpads were too close to the posts of the Indian Army. He also informed that the entire operation went for about 6 hours.

Pakistan, however, rejected the video footage of the surgical strike that was broadcast on various Indian TV news channels, calling it fabricated.

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