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Will India-Pakistan Border Dispute and the Kashmir Crisis Lead to a Nuclear War?

India-Pakistan border dispute and tensions are only augmenting from time to time. With India-Pakistan border violations, terrorism, Kashmir crisis and many other reasons brewing mistrust between the two, it seems that conflict is never-ending. India-Pakistan border conflicts are entirely based on accusing one another and yet proudly claiming countermeasures. Will the India-Pakistan border experience peace? How is the South Asian peace disrupted by the India-Pakistan border conflict?

The number of India-Pakistan border ceasefire violations is ever increasing, crossing 400 violations in just the first two months of this new year. In fact, with countermeasures being taken to initiate peace at the India-Pakistan border, the mistrust has only increased.

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India-Pakistan Border Conflict is Politically Motivated

The fact remains that the mistrust and conflict between India and Pakistan are rooted in political relations. Both the countries need to take serious efforts to clear the political environment to control and cease the border tensions.

For the two nations, there are numerous reasons that are creating the tensions. Ceasefire violations, terrorism, and the Kashmir dispute are only the most obvious reasons for the disputes. However, there are many more underlying forces that contribute to the growing conflicts. There have been several cases of insurgents operating on both sides of the border, followed by the blatant denial by both nations of any such activities. The crucial point of conflict and mistrust is the lack of understanding of these operations- are they operated by the military or terrorists? This constant back and forth of violence and violations on either side of the India-Pakistan border has resulted in an overall disruption of peace for South Asia.

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Improving India-Pakistan Border relations will benefit both Nations

Apart from the fact that innocents will stop losing their life and peace, there are many more reasons that support India-Pakistan border peace. Both India and Pakistan can greatly cut on their military expenses and divert those finances for supporting their nation’s growth. Pakistan is already facing a failing economy, and it does not have the finances or the resources to be at par with India. Both the nations cannot afford the increasing spending on military equipment and weaponry.

Additionally, the potential of Pakistan turning to a nuclear war is also being tested with the fragility of the nuclear power in South Asia already reaching the brim. Experts already recognise South Asia as the most susceptible to a nuclear war.

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Thus, the India-Pakistan border peace is not just vital and worrisome for the two nations but for the entire South Asian region. It is time that both countries turn to mutual points of interest rather than focusing on disparities and points of contradiction, such as Kashmir. India-Pakistan border ties need to start mending to regain peace for both and South Asia. Initiatives need to be made at both ends to normalise life and stop spreading terror and unrest.

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