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Will India-China ‘War of Words’ Impact the SCO Summit 2018 in Qingdao?

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO Summit 2018) is to be held in the city of Qingdao, China in June 2018. Many factors have deepened as well as weakened the India-China Relations ever since, but experts believe there is still a lack of trust between the two nations. With Indian PM Modi slated to visit China for the upcoming SCO Summit 2018, will this smoothen the intense India-China relations?

The SCO is comprised of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan

India-China relations are ‘under repair’ as leaders from both sides have been working towards easing the tensions. With PM Modi visiting China, and Sushma Swaraj and Nirmala Sitharaman expected to visit the country later this month too; the two countries may actually be able to mend the weakened ties. However, analysts believe that the two countries lack trust, especially with India concerned about China’s expanding influence over India’s neighbourhood.

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India-China Relations Need ‘Respect’

A new ‘war of words’ has however severed the India-China relations, with China asking India to ‘respect’ the Line of Actual Control. China has also been speaking against India’s military influence in Arunachal Pradesh, a land that China believes does not belong to India.

As reported in the South China Morning Post, the Chinese spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that:

“Prior to the resolution of the border issue, it is hoped that the Indian side abides by the agreement protocol, respects and obeys the Line of Actual Control and refrains from hyping up the issue and works with China to jointly maintain peace and tranquillity in border areas”

India-China Relations Rocky Over Arunachal Pradesh

Border tensions between India and China have been further fuelled with China protesting India’s military influence in Arunachal Pradesh. The Asaphile region in Arunachal Pradesh is claimed by both nations and China believes it is a part of South of Tibet. Disputes over borders have been going on since the 1960’s between the two superpowers and over twenty rounds of border dispute discussions have taken place since.

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Although disputes have been flaring over border disputes and testing India-China relations constantly, experts believe as long as a political understanding grows between the two, peace can be maintained.

Are Pakistan-China ties disrupting India-China relations?

India has voiced concern about China’s expanding influence, especially with the BRI. The BRI has cemented Pakistan-China ties, along with growing influence of China over India’s neighbouring countries. At the same time, India has become a part of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, with Japan, US and Australia; as a countermeasure to China’s expansion in the Indo-pacific area.

With so many issues brewing, border disputes and strategic mistrust must be on PM Modi’s agenda for his upcoming visit to China. PM Modi could lead impactful ways and measures to better India-China relations.

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