India, China Border Conflict May Lead To All Out War; Artillery Guns Deployed In Ladakh

Can India-China border conflict lead to an all-out war between the two nuclear-armed neighbours? The President of Pakistan-administered-Kashmir – Sardar Masood Khan, while expressing the possibility of war between China and India, said that Beijing has lined up its troops to counter India’s ill intentions.

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Speaking to a Pakistan news program, Khan said that India’s unilateral actions in Jammu and Kashmir – the abrogation of Article 370, atrocities in Kashmir valley and threats of invading Pakistan administered Kashmir speaks of Indian mindset.

Khan also said in the TV program that the dreams of forming a United India were destroyed due to Pakistan. Khan while advocating for China said that Beijing does not want war but is combat-ready for such an eventuality and blamed India for aggravating tensions with China in Ladakh.

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Meanwhile, a high-level Indian and Chinese army commanders have met at a point along the Line of Actual Control to resolve border tensions, news agency ANI has reported. Both nations have also activated diplomatic channels towards finding a peaceful solution, ANI said quoting some sources.

NDTV reports that India has stationed additional soldiers in the border region as it gets ready for an extended skirmish with China after several rounds of talks failed to ease tensions.

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China has already deployed about 5,000 troops and armoured vehicles on its side of the border while India is deploying a similar number of soldiers as well as artillery guns along the border to check possible Chinese incursions, says the report.

Experts apprehend the latest border dispute may intensify, as Chinese trucks have moved equipment inside the Indian side of LAC. Ajai Shukla, a defence analyst says – “Thousands of Chinese troops are on Indian soil. The only thing that remains for them is to engage in combat,” he said.

Long Xingchun, writing for the Global Times, says that the latest border animosity was “a planned move” by New Delhi. “India has illegally built defence facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley, leaving Chinese soldiers no other options but to counter Indian aggression.

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