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After India-France Treaty, French-Australia Treaty on Cards to Counter Chinese Hegemony

After India-France Treaty, is the French-Australia Treaty on the cards to counter evergrowing Chinese influence? The expanding Chinese influence over the Pacific has alarmed the world. Australia is extremely concerned about the possible disruption of the strategic balance in the Pacific, and hence the French-Australia Treaty is slated to be signed after the India-France treaty? The French-Australia Treaty is based on the belief that no nation should be allowed to dominate the whole of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Following the India-France Treaty over Chinese assertive expansion, the Australian President is now vouching for a French-Australia Treaty to protect the region from Chinese hegemony. As reported in the South China Morning Post, President Macron of France stated:

“China’s rise is very good news for everybody. It’s good for China itself, its middle classes, and it’s good for global growth, and regional growth,” he said. What’s important is to preserve rules-based development in the region … and to preserve necessary balances in the region. It’s important with this new context not to have any hegemony”

The French-Australia Treaty

Australia has been voicing against the growing might and influence of China over the Pacific region. France, on the other hand, holds many island territories in the said region. Thus the French-Australia Treaty to curb Chinese hegemony comes as a mutually strategic alliance for the two nations.

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The Australian PM spoke about the benefits of China’s growth and investments, however, stated that it was necessary to adhere to a rules-based global order. This international order includes a good governance and proper standards that allow all nations to grow and prosper according to the laws ruled out. New Zealand has also spoken against the strategic disruption because of the Chinese Hegemony. Recognising the need for a French-Australia treaty, the PM called France a ‘Pacific Power’ and stated, as reported in the South China Morning Post:

“A rule of law that says might is not right, that the big fish cannot eat the little fish and the little fish eat the shrimps, that is absolutely critical. Now, that rule of law is what we seek to maintain in our region.”

The French-Australia Treaty is based on a foundation of a long-standing history between the two nations. Australia and France relations go back to the 1st and 2nd World Wars where the Australian troops came forward to defend France. The French-Australia Treaty included a number of agreements signed between the two countries, including defence supply, climate-related agreements to develop solar energy and protection of reefs.

Will this new formed French-Australia Treaty be able to overpower the ever-expanding Chinese growth and Hegemony?

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