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Demonstrations in Iran Continues for Ignoring Citizens for Syria and Lebanon

Demonstrations in Iran against the government’s economic and political policies continued, during which protesters called on the authorities to stop supporting the regime in Syria and its allies in Lebanon and Gaza, and rather pay attention to people of Iran. In contrast, pro-government demonstrations denounced the popular protests as a “new fit”.

Student Demonstrations in Iran Continues

Tehran University in the Iranian capital saw student gatherings denouncing the authorities’ handling of the protests that took place over the past three days against President Hassan Rouhani’s economic policies. The Iranian news agency reported that the Iranian security forces fired tear gas on Saturday in central Tehran to disrupt the demonstrations that erupted in protest against the economic situation in the country.

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The clashes erupted in the area surrounding the University of Tehran after hundreds of students demonstrated and shouted slogans against President Rouhani before clashes with the police caused traffic congestion. The police later broke up the demonstrations.

Iranian media also broadcasted pictures of the Iranian youths crossing a Tehran street. In the area, a number of protesters are seen pulling the metal barrier on the street and using it to block the road, amid anti-government and anti-regime slogans.

Pro-Government Demonstrations in Iran 

At the same place, a pro-regime demonstration took control of the entrance to the university, calling “Death to the Opposition”. Groups loyal to Iranian leaders and government counter-protested in support of Iranian policies and the government.

“We ask the people not to participate in illegal gatherings because they will create problems for themselves and for other citizens,” Interior Minister Abdul Rida Rahmani Fadhli was quoted by the Iranian media as saying. “Those who wish to organize a gathering must apply for a license,” he said, adding that he had received information about “invitations on social networks sites to participate in anti-government protests.”

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Public protests broke out in the second largest city of Mashhad on Thursday and quickly spread to other cities. The protests focused on inflation and unemployment, but some protesters expressed anger at the authorities’ focus on the situation in Syria and other regional nations instead of improving conditions inside the country.

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