Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Middle East

Israel’s Envoy Defends Donald Trump; Says Unfair To Link With Synagogue Tragedy

Israel's envoy to the memorial ceremonies for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims says it's "unfair and wrong" to link the synagogue tragedy to President...

Pakistan Terrorist Creating Havoc On All Three Borders With Afghanistan, Iran and India: Experts

Pakistan has been accused by all three nations that it shares its border with - Iran, India and Afghanistan of harbouring, financing and encouraging terrorism...

India, China, Turkey Will Resist US Sanctions on Iranian Oil Imports: Tehran

India, China and Turkey are set to defy US sanctions on importing Iranian Oil as Washington prepares to impose harsh sanctions on Tehran. India...

Iran Uncomfortable, As Israel Cosies-Up with Arab Nations

The Arab Nations have gradually started to warm-up to Israel, some openly and some secretly. After the visit of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to...

Leaders of Russia, Germany, France, Turkey Discuss Syrian Crisis in Istanbul

Heads of Russia, Germany, France and Turkey have begun quadrilateral talks on the Syrian crisis in Istanbul’s Vahdettin Pavilion, an official residence of Turkey’s president...