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EurAsian Region

F-16: Russians Offer $170,000 Bounty On Ukraine’s Fighting Falcons As Kyiv Keenly Awaits US-Origin Jets

As Ukraine nears the must-awaited acquisition of F-16 fighter jets from Western allies, Russia is ramping up efforts to incentivize its forces to target...

Russia’s FAB-3000 Glide Bomb – The ‘Big Joke’ Turns Into A ‘Big Headache’ For Ukrainian Military & NATO

The Russian Ministry of Defence announced in March that Russia had started mass production of three-tonne FAB-3000 high-explosive aviation bombs. " Sergei Shoigu was informed...

Japan Answers China’s “Debt Trap” Diplomacy With Benevolent “No Risk” Aid As It Looks To Woo Central Asia

In response to China's growing influence in Central Asia, Japan has begun to bolster its presence in the region. This could strengthen the balance...

Russia’s Monstrous FAB-3000, ‘Aerial Demolition Bombs, Seen In Action For The First Time; RuAF Pilot Calls Them ‘Un-Interceptable’

Russia has begun using Su-34 Fullback to launch FAB-3000 glide bombs, with a Su-34 bomber pilot asserting that Western air defense systems are defenseless...

F-16s Escort Football Team! When Fighting Falcons Were Scrambled To Accompany Polish Team in 2022

Poland's national football team was escorted by F-16 fighter jets as it traveled to a football match in Qatar! The team flew just days...
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