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Chinese Chinook ‘Unveiled’ At Dubai Airshow; Flightwin Innovation Showcases FWH-3000 Multipurpose UAV

A Chinese drone company, Flightwin-Innovation, has unveiled a sizeable tandem-rotor cargo transport helicopter drone at the ongoing Dubai Air Show. The FWH-3000 is shaped much...

Japan Sets 1 Trillion Funds To Develop Its Space Industry As It Competes With India, Russia, China

Amid the escalating global race to tap into outer space resources, Japan is set to establish a ¥1 trillion (US$6.6 billion) fund aimed at...

China’s $21 Billion ‘Missing’ From Pakistan’s Files; PLA-Navy Holds Massive Drills With Its ‘Satellite State’

The navies of China and Pakistan are holding their largest-ever joint exercises known as 'Sea Guardian-3' over the weekend. This is another effort to...

Despots Fear Ridicule: China’s Great Game Over Dalai Lama’s Succession Can Be Stopped: OPED

For the people of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the manifestation of Chenrezig, or Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Successive Dalai Lamas...

Russia Cannot Be Defeated On Battlefield; Time For US & Ukraine To Understand & Move On: Kremlin

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that it’s time for the US and Ukraine to realize that...
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