Monday, May 6, 2024
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Asia Pacific

“Extirpator Of US Super Carriers” – China Flaunts Its Hypersonic YJ-21 Missile That Can ‘Knock-Off’ America’s Mightiest Warships

Anti-ship missiles are an important part of China's anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) capabilities. These missiles can provide PLA a ‘home advantage’ by blocking the adversarial navies...

“China Begins Invasion, Launches Missiles At Cities & Ports” – How A Blooper News Report Sent Taiwan Into A Frenzy

On Wednesday morning, a Taiwanese television broadcaster aired a news alert claiming that Chinese armed forces had begun an invasion, launching missiles at cities...

With US ‘Super Choppers’ On Radar, China Says Its ‘Future Helicopters’ Will Be Equipped With Ground-Breaking Technologies

Militaries all around the world are looking at integrating modern technology into their military weapons. China, as usual, appears to be making serious efforts...

‘Nuclear Reactor On A Truck’ – Japan’s Mitsubishi Aims To Commercialize ‘Reactor-On-A-Truck’ By 2030s

Japan's experience with the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant catastrophe in 2011 has haunted the country's aspirations to rapidly scale up nuclear power for...

Battling China’s ‘Asymmetric Threats’, Taiwan Looks To Acquire US Decommissioned Warship To Defend Its ‘Independence’

To defend itself from a possible Chinese invasion, Taiwan is considering buying the decommissioned US warship USS Independence, a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) that saw just...