Sunday, May 5, 2024


Hasta La Vista: US Navy’s Blue Angels Bid Adieu To F-18 Hornets With A Final Sundown Flight: WATCH

The pride of the United States Navy and one of the oldest aerial aerobatic teams in existence, the famous Blue Angels need no introduction. On...

Russian Su-35 Jets Are Far Deadlier Than US’ F-16s, F-35s As Indonesia Plans To Opt For Sukhoi Jets – Reports

Indonesian PM Joko Widodo finds his homeland added to the list of other nations currently being sandwiched between a potential conflict between the United...

Watch The Russian ‘Sea Monster’ That Remains The Biggest Threat To American Super Carriers

For the most part of the century, the Soviet Union/Russia has been home to one of the most sturdy and reliable pieces of modern...

MISSION POSSIBLE: US’ Navy Seals Again Demonstrate Why They Are The ‘Top Dogs’ For Covert Operations

Throughout the world, there are special units of military teams that are specifically trained under extreme conditions to put their bodies on the line...

41 Years Ago, This Is How The US Lost Its Most Critical Ally In The Middle-East To Russia

Forty-one years ago on November 4, 1979, Iran erupted with student protests that marked the beginning of severed diplomatic ties between the United States...