Bangladesh Hangs Abdul Majed – The Killer Of Nations 1st PM, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Bangladesh has executed Abdul Majed – the killer of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman – the country’s father of the nation and the first Prime Minister nearly 45 years after the brutal assassination, a prison official said.

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Abdul Majed, a former military captain, was hanged at the central jail at Keraniganj near the capital, Dhaka, just one minute past Saturday midnight, said Inspector General of Prisons Brig Gen A.K.M. Mustafa Kamal Pasha.

The execution took place after President M Abdul Hamid rejected a clemency filed by Abdul Majed, seeking mercy. His wife and other family members visited him for the last time on Saturday.

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Majed is one of a dozen defendants whose death sentences were upheld by the country’s Supreme Court in 2009. A trial court in 1998 had sentenced them to death for their involvement in the Aug 15, 1975, killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and most of his family members by a group of army officials.

Rahman was the father of current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Hasina and her younger sister Sheikh Rehana were the only survivors in the family, as they were visiting Germany during the assassination.

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Earlier, as the EurAsian Times reported, India and Bangladesh’s security forces collaborated to track down one of the last remaining killers of Bangladesh’s first PM Sheikh Mujibur Rahman nearly 45 years after his assassination and almost a month after his birth centenary celebrations.

Abdul Mazed a former Bangladesh army official and one of the last surviving assassinator of Sheikh Mujib was arrested by the Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime unit of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police from Gabtoli in Dhaka. The authorities are now waiting for his death warrant.

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“Mazed said he arrived in the country on March 15 or 16 from Kolkata. He claimed that he was hiding there for about 23 years,” The Daily Star quoted Hemayet Uddin Khan, the assistant public prosecutor as saying.