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Amid Rising Tensions With Pakistan, India Test Fires Short-Range Israeli SPYDER Missiles

The Indian Air Force successfully test-fired SPYDER (Surface to air Python and Derby) missile from Pokharan range amidst growing tensions with Pakistan. The Israeli SPYDER air defence missile system is a highly capable surface to air missile system available in short and medium-range variants developed by Rafael Advanced Defence Systems in collaboration with Israel Aerospace Industries. 

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SPYDER Missiles tested in a bid to keep aerial threats from Pakistan under check

Experts feel that this testing of the SPYDER missile may not just be coincidental with the mounting tensions between India and Pakistan due to the present nature of the Kashmir dispute.

After the scrapping of Article 370 and the division of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, an exasperated Pakistan has gone all guns blazing to issue all sorts of threats to India.

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Pakistan has retaliated by imposing major diplomatic offences against India and the army spearheads have even hinted at the possibility of military actions against India. At such a time of heightened tensions, the successful testing of SPYDER comes as a boost to India and a deterrence to Pakistan.

How will the IAF use SPYDER?

The SPYDER missiles are already in the phase of deployment along the western borders of India. SPYDER missiles are a part of a short-range air defence system having a maximum altitude of interception as 9 Km and maximum range of interception as 15 km.

The IAF plans to use SPYDER missiles along with the indigenous Akash surface to air missiles which have a longer range of 25 km. Spyder is more than capable of engaging helicopters, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and drones and destroying them with precision.

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