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Can Afghan Born Zalmay Khalilzad Solve the Afghanistan Conflict and Negotiate Peace with Taliban?

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo is expected to appoint Zalmay Khalilzad as a special envoy of the US to Afghanistan. Despite an escalation in the Taliban’s offensive, the US is determined to hold peace talks and resolve the Afghan Conflict via a political solution and Zalmay Khalilzad is believed to play a vital role. 

Zalmay Khalilzad is an Afghanistan born former US Ambassador to Kabul and Baghdad. This move is an evidence of the fact that the US is pretty much serious about its willingness to resolve its longest war through dialogue.

As reported by The Jerusalem Post, two US officials have informed about the US’s plans to appoint Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan so as to speed up the instigation of peace talks with the Taliban which has surged violence in recent times. Khalilzad is a veteran in terms of foreign policy and also a Republican and this move to plant him comes soon after a meeting between a top US official and Taliban leaders in Doha, Qatar.

The US has realised that there can be no military solution to the Afghan conflict that started after the US invaded Afghanistan to wipe Al Qaeda and avenge the attacks of 9/11. The Afghanistan government also has been making repeated efforts by announcing unilaterally ceasefires so as to create an atmosphere in which peace talks can take place.

General elections in Afghanistan are due in October because of which the Taliban has adopted an aggressive approach and has killed scores of civilians and security officials in recent weeks. The Taliban fighters have been attacking army camps in Afghanistan and are capturing cities.

The clashes between the ISIS and the Taliban too have hurt peace and stability in Afghanistan badly. The recent attack on an education centre in Kabul claimed more than 48 lives. The ISIS has been targeting the Shia Muslims in Afghanistan and is dismantling the air of peace in Afghanistan even though the Taliban has shown willingness to participate in peace talks.

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