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Pakistan Beats IT Super-Power India in Internet Speed

Pakistan overshadowed IT “super-power” India in internet speed, according to global internet speed gauging platform Ookla. Despite the challenges that Pakistan encounters economically and technologically, Pakistan’s 4G mobile broadband speed is surprisingly faster than India.

Pakistan is ranked 96th globally in download speed on mobile broadband based with an average speed of 14.03 megabits per second (Mbps). It is greater than that in India which is ranked at 109th place with an average speed of 9.12 Mbps, according to Ookla. According to the website, the global average of mobile internet download speed is estimated at 23.54 Mbps.

Indian organizations are concentrating on expanding 4G outreach than increasing more speed into the already present 4G service, according to OpenSignal that specialises in wireless coverage mapping.

Smartphone usage is on the ascent in India with 358 million mobile internet users. With more and more users are getting online, this has resulted in slower internet speeds, according to the Economic Times. Due to the widespread geographical area, India has greater latency which is one of the reasons consumers are receiving slower internet. Latency is the duration taken by a data packet to move between the user’s device and internet server. The higher the latency, the slower the user’s internet experience.

In the fixed line internet, India has managed to perform better than Pakistan as it is ranked 62nd with average internet speed of 23.27 Mbps while Pakistan occupies the 122nd spot with an internet speed of 7.55 Mbps. Pakistan also lingers behind India in the Inclusive Internet Index of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) largely because of unavailability of content in local languages. 

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