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Kashmir Banega Hindustan; PM Imran Khan Stunned By Hostile Welcome In Pak-Administered-Kashmir

In a major embarrassment for Pakistan PM Imran Khan, people in Pakistan-controlled -Kashmir in the city of Muzaffarabad welcomed Khan him with chants of “Go Niazi Go Back” and “Kashmir Banega Hindustan (Kashmir will become part of India)”.

PM Khan was on a visit to Muzzafarabad to highlight Kashmir to highlight the plight of Kashmiri people and to send a message to the global community about the curfew and communication blockade in Jammu and Kashmir.

After New Delhi revoked the Article 370 from the volatile region, Islamabad has left no stone unturned to highlight the so-called Indian atrocities and human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir, but failed to garner much support.

Taking to his Twitter account Khan had said, “I am going to do a “big jalsa” in Muzzafarabad on Friday, 13 September, to send a message to the world about the continuing siege of IOJK by Indian occupation forces; and to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them.”

Talking to ANI, an angry protester said, “Pakistan says that India is committing human rights violations in Kashmir. But what is the establishment itself doing here? Just see. This is the actual human rights violation.”

Imran Khan is also going to meet US President Donald Trump twice during his visit to Washington later this month where he will also address the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Khan is expected to raise the Kashmir issue during the UNGA session and will also apprise the US President on the situation in Kashmir.

The biggest setback for Khan came when Muslim countries snubbed Pakistan over Kashmir with UAE foreign minister saying that Kashmir issue does not concern the Muslim Ummah (community) and termed the dispute a bilateral issue between New Delhi and Islamabad.

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