Fake News circulating via WhatsApp Messenger has incited Mob Lynchings in India, the International Media have alleged. Five people lost their lives on Sunday after rumours on WhatsApp claimed that there were child-lifters in the area, who actually were innocent villagers. Since May, more than twelve people lost their lives to mob lynchings triggered by fake news on social media, mainly WhatsApp Messenger.Â
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Hate and intolerance seem to be spreading like fire over the social media. As per reports most of these perpetrators are villagers who are perhaps using such social media platforms for the first time. Local authorities are trying to prevent the propagation of fake news and rumours by taking some measures but the instances are only increasing.
Foreign Media Slams India on Mob Lynching
WhatsApp Messenger has over 200 million users in India while the Facebook users in India are about 270 million. These social platforms have become easy launch pads for fake news, intolerance and hatred, and this is something that needs to be tamed with immediate effect.
Such rumours spread like floods over Whatsapp and Facebook. Anyone can potentially trigger a riot by sitting thousands of kilometers away by concocting any story and publishing it on social sites. The foreign media is raising fingers for not being able to fight the menace of fake news, leading to mob lynchings in India.
Supreme Court takes Cognizance
The Supreme Court of India took up the matter on Tuesday and termed mob lynching as a crime. The apex court also directed the states to take measures to put an end to this crime. The Supreme Court also said that it shall issue guidelines for the Union government as well as the state governments on fighting the phenomenon of mob lynchings in India. The Supreme Court maintained that it is a law and order situation, which needs to be taken care of by all the respective state governments.
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