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India Accuses Pakistan Of Gross Mismanagement Of Indus Water Resources

India has dismissed Pakistani media reports that Indian Government plans to revoke the Indus Water Treaty,  accusing Islamabad of gross mismanagement of water resources.

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PK Saxena, New Delhi’s Indus Waters commissioner, said the allegations were no more than an attempt by Pakistan to deflect from its own “gross mismanagement of water resources.”
“The reports of India’s attempt of violation of Indus Waters Treaty has been discarded as false and far from reality,” Saxena told PTI, noting that Pakistan wastes roughly twice the amount of water allocated to India under the accord, which he said was “extremely generous” to Pakistan.

According to reports in Pakistan Media which EurAsian Times accessed – Indian diplomats have started lobbying with like-minded UN members. New Delhi is disseminating a draft plan asserting that it needs to act on several options including the construction of new dams in Jammu and Kashmir to counter environmental impacts of climate change including fog in its neighbouring countries.

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The report in news.com.pk quoting several sources states that –  India is very cleverly promoting its narrative by hinting that since Jammu and Kashmir is now a Union territory, it has every right to use its water rivers flowing into Pakistan.

Indian lobbyists in Washington have also engaged a number of democratic and republican congressmen to prevent any possible negative reaction once the draft is made public.

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The strategy is two-prong: first, to build dams storing water and cutting the supply of water flow to Pakistan and, second, to open the gates when water levels in proposed dams from glassier are about to burst flooding Pakistan causing havoc and destruction all around, according to the sources.


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