Tuesday, May 21, 2024
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South Asia

Six Key Points of New US Policy on Afghanistan

US President Donald Trump spoke at Fort Mayer in Arlington, Virginia,  with a special appeal "to the army and the American people" on August 21. In...

PAK-FA to Send Shivers to Enemies, including PAK?

The state tests of the S-111 communications complex for the fifth generation Su-57 fighter or PAK-FA will be completed by the end of 2017. This...

Attack on Amarnath Yatra Justifies the Fear of Pilgrims and Kashmiri Pandits

After the militant attack on Amarnath Yatra Pilgrims in 2017, the question of raising the security for the pious trek has been raised again. After a...

Why Do Kashmiri Muslims Love to Hate India?

Do Kashmiri Muslims Really Hate India? I am a Kashmiri Pandit ousted from the Heaven by Radicalised "Kashmiri Muslims". But my love for my...

Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan – The World’s Most Draconian Law?

Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan are one of the most draconian laws in the world and carry a possible death sentence to anyone who insults...