Saturday, July 27, 2024
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South Asia

Afghan Forces Suffer Heavy Casualties Near the Tajikistan Border

Afghan forces are believed to have suffered heavy losses in a joint attack by the Taliban militants in the northern Kunduz province near the Tajikistan...

Net Neutrality In India Is Now A Pleasant Reality And Netizens Are Celebrating

Net neutrality in India is now a reality and netizens have every reason to celebrate. The Indian government has approved net neutrality in India...

Rising Oil Prices in India – Delhi Warns OPEC Nations to Control Prices

India has issued stringent warnings to OPEC Nations against increased oil prices. Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has told OPEC nations that if prices continue...

Indian Economy Surpassess France to Emerge 6th Largest: World Bank

India has gone past France to emerge as the sixth largest economy of the world, as per the latest World Bank trends. Indian Economy is...

Iran Warns India Against Oil Imports From US and Saudi Arabia

After India-US relations soured over India's oil imports from Iran, Iran has put India in a spot of bother now. As India mulls to...