Tuesday, May 21, 2024
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Global Politics

FACT CHECK: PM Modi Only World Leader In White House’s 19-Strong Twitter List?

With over 21 million followers on Twitter, the White House only follows 19 people a list dominated by Indians and Americans. The power center...

Pakistani Cricketer Rips-Apart Chinese People For Eating Bats, Cats, Dogs & Spreading Coronavirus

Former Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar has expressed frustration after the global outbreak of coronavirus pandemic due to the eating habits of Chinese people...

Russian, Chinese Hypersonic Missiles A Massive Threat To US Super-Carriers?

With new hypersonic ballistic missile systems such as the Chinese DF-21D and DF-26 and Russia’s Kh-47M2 all capable of striking at hypersonic speeds, having...

Russia, Turkey On The Verge Of Full Scale War As Both Putin, Erdogan Refuse To Budge

Istanbul could host a meeting of the leaders from Russia, Turkey, Germany and France, aimed at resolving the deteriorating situation in Idlib, Syria.  https://eurasiantimes.com/tensions-between-russia-us-provoking-ankara-to-scrap-s-400-deal/ The meeting,...

UK Pits Itself Against France To Develop Fighter Jet Engines For India?

British companies could be pitted against French counterparts to develop fighter jet engines for India. Indian DRDO has been tirelessly working on its indigenous...