Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Asia Pacific

45 Chinese Soldiers Killed In Galwan Valley – What Does Chinese Media & Netizens Say About The Casualties?

Indian media outlets have been claiming that around 45 Chinese soldiers were killed in clashes with Indian troops in the Galwan Valley. Chinese official...

India-China War: China Has No ‘Military Advantage’ Over ‘Battle-Hardened’ Indian Army – CNN

India-China War: "India is by far the more experienced and battle-hardened side, having fought a series of limited and low-intensity conflicts in its recent past. China, on the other hand, has not experienced the crucible of combat since its conflict with Vietnam in 1979.

NATO Targets China; Says ‘China Is On Our Radar More Than Ever Before’

US Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), told reporters at a virtual meeting that “China could be a peaceful partner, a...

Can India-China Conflict Along The LAC Pave Way For Official US-Indian Military Alliance?

India-China border conflict could calm down soon, but experts in China believe that the US might be tempted to further strengthen 'defence ties' with India to counter a rising China.

How Many Chinese Soldiers Were Killed In The India-China Clash At Galwan Valley / Ladakh?

Government sources revealed that the Chinese side suffered “proportionate casualties” but it does not have a clear picture of the number of Chinese soldiers killed in the border clash at Galwan Valley / Ladakh