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Monthly Archives: November, 2020

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Gets Lambasted By European Parliament Members For Inaction Over 26/11 Mumbai Attacks

As the world pays respects to the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, members of the European Parliament have questioned Pakistan PM Imran...

Why Indian Army Needs To ‘Watch Out’ For Chinese Y-20 Aircraft As PLA Gears-Up For A Potential Battle?

China’s transport planes will augment their capacity by 20 percent soon with the indigenously-developed WS-20 engine. Military sources have told South China Morning Post...

Xi Jinping Asks Chinese PLA To Be Battle-Ready After India Bans More Chinese Mobile Apps

China has reacted strongly to India’s latest decision to ban 43 more mobile applications, taking the total to 267 since June 2020. On Wednesday,...

Why India, China & Even The US Are Competing For Influence In This Tiny Island Nation In The Indian Ocean?

Despite being the smallest Asian country by size and population, the strategic significance of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean has caught the attention...

Armenia Blames ‘Poor Indian Military Hardware’ For Its Loss To Azerbaijan – Pakistani, Chinese Netizens

The social media in Pakistan and China is going berserk with the incorrect news that Armenia has blamed India for its loss to Azerbaijan...

Chinese PLA Troops Incite Indian Army By Flaunting Their ‘Thermal Shelters’ Amid Blistering Winters: WATCH

The prolonged standoff between India and China along the Line of Actual Control is proving to be a test of endurance, supply chain, and...

Japan Developing Laser Weapons That Can Be Mounted On Vehicles To Counter Drone Attacks: WATCH

In a bid to counter terrorist drone activities, Japan has decided to establish a high powered laser mounted on vehicles to shoot down the...

After 90 Years, Can US Navy Airships Make A Comeback To Become The ‘Eyes For The Fleet’

The US Navy's Akron-class airships -- scouting and reconnaissance platforms -- were built in the 1930s. The intended use of the airships was to...

Another Asian Country Falls Prey To China’s Debt-Trap Diplomacy; Experts Wonder – Who’s Next?

The latest victim of China's debt-trap diplomacy is the small, resource-rich nation of Laos, that is reportedly struggling to avoid a sovereign default. Reuters...

India Acquires Most Powerful American ‘Flying Machines’ Amid Rising Tensions With China

The Indian Navy has leased two MQ-9B Sea Guardian UAVs (a variant of Predator B) from the United States for one year to boost...

After India, Rafale Fighter Jets Find Big, Fat Greek Admirers For Its Ability To Thwart Turkish F-16s

After making headlines in India, the French origin Dassault Rafale fighter jets are now set to join the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) as Greece...

1st Look: US Air Force’ B-1 Bomber Flaunts Its Cruise Missile That Pounded ISIS Positions In Syria

In a first, the United States Air Force (USAF) has recently released images showing a B-1 Lancer Bomber carrying an AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile...

Why Is China Poking Its Nose In Kashmir, A Contested Region Between India & Pakistan?

Amid a few reports suggesting that there could finally be a resolution to the seven-month-long military stand-off between India and China at the LAC...

Microsoft’s MiG-29 Fighter Jet That Was Once Owned By Co-Founder Paul Allen Sold Off To Billionaire Pilot

A MiG-29 Fulcrum owned by late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen was up for sale last year, before being bought by American businessman and pilot...

Chinese Beidou Navigation System Has Surpassed American GPS In Over 165 Countries : Reports

The vanguard of navigation systems, the US’ Global Positioning System (GPS), is losing its dominance to China’s Beidou satellite navigation system. According to a report in...

Russia Ready For Doomsday, Its ‘Deeply Buried’, Underground Nuclear Command Bunker Is Almost Complete

In a high-profile meeting held at the Kremlin on 11 November, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the completion of a strategic command post, possibly...

TANK FOR SALE: A Grizzly Variant of Sherman Tank Goes Under The Hammer, Fetching Up To $500,000

Yes, a 1943 M4A1 Grizzly, an adaptation of the Sherman medium tank that was built in Canada in late 1943, is up for sale...

Why AMRAAM-ER, The World’s Most Powerful Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Missile Can Be A Game Changer In The Middle-East?

 The Middle East is clearly witnessing an arms race. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will soon become the first country in the region to...

China Adopting US’ “Disruptive Strategy” Against India As Ladakh Border Tensions Remain Unresolved

India is one of the worst-hit countries by the Covid-19 pandemic, with its economy entering a 'technical recession' phase. The country is also facing...

Taiwan Counters Chinese Threats By Inaugurating Indigenous Submarines That Will Be Equipped With Deadly Harpoon Missiles

In a bid to safeguard the island territory from mainland China, Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen vowed to protect the sovereignty of the islands at...

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