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Monthly Archives: September, 2020

US ‘Closely Monitoring’ India-China Border Stand-Off; But What Is Happening In Pangong Tso?

India-China Border Stand-Off: The US is closely monitoring the stand-off between India and China and it hopes for a peaceful resolution, a State Department spokesperson said.

Japan Eyes Big Business In The US, China As Its ‘Flying Car’ Rocks In The Demo Ride

Japan recently conducted the country's first manned public demonstration of a flying car. The vehicle, developed by Japan’s SkyDrive Inc., looks like a slick...

World’s First 6th Gen Fighter Jet – Can Russia Take A Lead Over The US As Sukhoi, MiG Plan To Join Hands?

In what could be the grandest of military alliances in the history of Russia, the country’s two aerospace juggernauts Mikoyan (MiG) and JSC Sukhoi...

US & Russian Stealth Jets – F-35s & Su-57s To Be Armed With ‘Robotic Wingman’

Russia is on the path of developing a new drone that would be able to function as an autonomous wingman for human pilots. Several...

Chinese Navy To Equip Its Assault Carriers With ‘Stealth Drones’ With Aim To Dominate Asia Pacific Region

As the Chinese Navy or The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) heads to aggressively tackle its rival navies in seas, its aircraft carrier fleet...

From Salam To Shalom: How did Middle-East Media Cover Israeli Delegation Visit To The UAE?

While much of the Arab and international media condemned last month’s United Arab Emirates-Israeli normalization deal, Gulf media praised the agreement and the arrival...

French Paper Charlie Hebdo Reprints Controversial Prophet Muhammad Cartoons

"We will never live down. We will never give up," Charlie Hebdo director Laurent "Riss" Sourisseau wrote in the latest edition of the magazine.

Why India Made A Mistake By Skipping KavKaz 2020 Military Drills In Russia?

India recently decided to pull-out from multilateral war games in Russia - KavKaz 2020. In an official statement, New Delhi cited the COVID-19 pandemic...

China Threatens To Expel Indian Navy Warships From The South China Sea

Labeling India as a “useful pawn” of the US, military experts in China have warned New Delhi the deployment of its warships in the...

Post Rafale Deal, France Deploys Nuclear Warship Charles De Gaulle To Ward-Off Turkish Threats?

At the back of a probable deal between France and Greece to supply 18 Rafale jets to Athens, Paris has reportedly deployed Charles De...

US Provoking China To ‘Fire The First Shot’ Over Taiwan – Chinese Military Experts

Amid escalating tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea, considered one of the world's most important shipping lanes, China has warned the...

After Pangong Clash, China Says India Has Not Learnt Any Lesson From Galwan Valley

Indian and Chinese troops have again locked horns along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh. Chinese media claims the Indian side trying...

India To Hold Naval Drills With Russia After Pulling-Out From Kavkaz 2020 Military Exercise

As India backs off from the Kavkaz exercise in Russia over diplomatic and pandemic issues, New Delhi nevertheless has not taken much time to...

Chinese PLA’s Western Theater Command Demands India To Withdraw Its Troops From South Pangong

In a statement issued by China’s People Liberation Army’s (PLA) Western Theater Command (WTC) Spokesperson, Senior Colonel Zhang Shuili, demanded India to withdraw its...

In The New Era Of Space Race – How Is The US Competing With Two USSRs Simultaneously?

The US Space Command faces imminent danger from its adversaries - Russia and China, who have developed state-of-art weaponry including jammers, ground-based lasers, ground...

Amid Renewed Tensions With India, China Launches New ‘Indigenous’ Warships

Amid rising tensions with India, Chinese PLA Navy has launched its eighth Type 055 and 25th Type 052D destroyers, only two days after the...

Russia Begins Testing ‘Drone Variant’ Of Stealth Su-57 Jets

In an everlasting battle of proving to the world ‘anything you do, I can do better’ Russia took another step in defense innovation, as...

Despite All The Threats, Why Is China Wary Of Invading Or Even Intimidating The Philippines?

With China continuing to face retaliation from several nations for its robust expansion over territories in the South China Sea, its arch-nemesis - the...

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