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Monthly Archives: December, 2018

Final Settlement of Kashmir Dispute Between India and Pakistan Likely By 2020?

Is the Final Settlement of Kashmir dispute possible which is acceptable to all three parties i.e. India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir? Can Indian...

Peace in South Asia Not Possible, Without Pakistan’s Assistance in Afghanistan and Kashmir

Will peace finally prevail in South Asia, especially in Afghanistan and Kashmir? US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis stated that time has come for everyone...

India’s Longest Rail-Road Bridge – Bogibeel Bridge To Be Inaugurated on Christmas by PM Modi

India's longest rail-road bridge - the Bogibeel Bridge will be inaugurated by PM Modi on 25th December - Christmas, which will connect the north and south...

Russia To Host World Chess Rapid and Blitz 2018 Championships After Saudi Refused To Host Israeli Players

St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city been selected to host the World Chess Rapid and Blitz 2018 Championships after Saudi Arabia was banned to...

Hong Kong Becomes the Most Visited City in 2018, Followed by Bangkok and London

Hong Kong took the first place in the ranking of the most popular cities among travellers in the world in 2018. From the beginning of...

Russia, China Can Inflict “Very Serious Damage” to the United States: General McKenzie

Russia and China can severely impair the United States and cause serious damage as both countries pose a serious threat to America. This statement was...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – Head of ISIS is Alive, But Suffering From Lung Cancer: Reports

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group is still alive and hiding "somewhere in the desert by the Euphrates...

US-China Conflict Inevitable; But Beijing Prepared With Lessons From USSR Debacle

Is a US-China Conflict really inevitable? US-China Trade War was just the beginning, but experts at EurAsian Times see a further escalation of conflict...

Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan – All Nations Hit By Unprecedented “Water Crisis”

Iraq and Syria have witnessed unprecedented destruction over the past decade, while India and Pakistan have literally been in a state-of-war since 1947. One element...

Can India-China Work a Yuan-Rupee Payment Plan To Boost Trade?

Can India and China work out a Yuan-Rupee payment system for better trade prospects? India-China trade, at present, stands at approximately USD 84 Billion...

Canada-India Relations “Frozen” Due to Pro-Khalistani Ministers in Canadian Government

Nine months after Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s controversial visit to India, there has been a noted absence of engagement at the ministerial level in...

Will Hyderabad Be Renamed as Bhagyanagar – on Queen Bhagmati?

Will Hyderabad be renamed as Bhagyanagar? At a campaign rally in Hyderabad, Yogi Adityanath assured the people that Hyderabad will be renamed as ‘Bhagyanagar’, and...

Kashmir Dispute Will Find a Solution Only After 2019 Indian Elections

Why are there constraints in solving the Kashmir Dispute? Will the Kashmir Issue continue to be the ‘thorn’ between India-Pakistan relations and endanger the...

Afghanistan Will Become Hub For ISIS and Other Terror Organizations Post NATO Withdrawal

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said that if NATO leaves Afghanistan, the country will be run over by Taliban within days and it will...

India-US Defence Relations Significant For Both Nations: Nirmala Sitharaman

India-US Defence Relations will set the tone for the new world order. Indian Defence Minister - Nirmala Sitharaman, prior to her visit to the US,...

Northern Shield Operation Launched By Israel To Destroy Hezbollah Tunnels

The Israel Defense Forces are launching the Northern Shield Operation to search for and destroy the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah tunnels leading to the territory...

As US Pushes QUAD, China Keen To Counter it with ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific Region

QUAD vs ASEAN - This may sound like an absurd comparison, but this is something that the Chinese Government is attempting to push. The...

Thailand Visa: Chinese, Not Indians First To Benefit For Online Thailand Visa Scheme

Chinese citizens will the first to avail New Thailand Visa Scheme. The service of obtaining and paying for a Thailand Visa via the Internet...

Qatar Leaving OPEC a Political Decision, Not Economic: UAE Minister

UAE State Minister of Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash believes that Qatar’s decision to leave OPEC is not economic, but political. About this diplomat wrote on Monday on...

US, Russia and China Need To Stop Arms Race: Donald Trump

The leaders of Russia, China and the United States will be forced to begin negotiations on how to stop the process of a new...

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